Daisy Breasley


Daisy Breasley


Daisy doo , Lou




Hunter Swim  Club, Swansea Belmont SLSC

Favourite event/Distance to swim

400 Fly

Top achievements so far

Top 20 in the 100 and 200 fly at the Nationals Age swimming Championships 2022. A gold medal in the board relay and a silver medal in the swim team at Aussies SLS Championships 2022. 3 x Surf race gold medallist and 2 x gold medallist in the board race at the NSW State SLS Championships.

Biggest Inspiration

Lizzie Welborn is my biggest inspiration because she has worked extremely hard to achieve what she has done, especially making the Nutri Grain series at such a young age. Lizzie always has a smile on her face and she is always a role model by showing excellent sportsmanship and helping protect our environment and the ocean.  

Goals for the next 12 months

Qualify for Nationals Age Swimming Championships. I’m aiming to get another medal at NSW State SLS and at Aussies.

Favourite quote

“Pain is only temporary, glory lasts forever”

Favourite SWIM SKIN + BODY product

The swim skin product is so amazing with not only getting rid of the chorine smell but allowing me to feel moisturised and refreshed after using it. The swim hair product also gets rid of the chlorine smell and is perfect after training.

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